Omc Serial Number Lookup

  • Evinrude Johnson Outboard Motor Model Year Lookup Guide Please select a year range above to find the year your outboard engine was manufactured. For commerical engines between 1977 to 1999 please see the following: Commercial Outboard Model Year Look-up Guide.
  • Find the year your OMC motor was manufactured using our model & serial number look-up guide. Home Boat Motor Model Year Lookup OMC 1964 to.
  • That is a very interesting problem given only that information. The last “K” model Lightwin (AKA Ruddertwin) built in 1929 was serial number 59,999 – so If it has a large rudder it would be ‘a 1930 model. – HOWEVER after combining with Evinrude, the “Super Eltos” got a cthcee digit model number.
Omc Serial Number Lookup

OMC Outboards 1980 to 2004: STYLE: HORSEPOWER: SHAFT LENGTH: MODEL RUN or SUFFIX: J = Johnson (blank) = 15 in. (The Suffix codes and any codes before the Style entry aren't important to consumer) E = Evinrude L = 20 in.

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leading zeroes are not relevant, e.g. '0B123456' is the same as 'B123456' in the listing.
However, later model serial will begin with a '1' or higher in pace of the '0'; those ARE significant .
US-made Mariner motors are identical with Mercury serial number ranges and use these same charts.
The serial number format is the same.
Japanese Mariner motors have a totally different serial number scheme, e.g. '
We currently do not have those here, but are largely useless. These motors do not have any consistent year-to-serial scheme.
Mercury ceased publishing this information after the 1996 model year. There is no way to find the model year of motors with significantly higher
serial numbers than listed in these guides. There is
NO serial-to-year cross-reference chart for 1997 and later motors.
Mercury has never really used model years for much of anything other than 'sales tools' in dealerships.
WILL need your serial number to look up correct parts.

Arranged by Horsepower

Omc inboard serial number lookupOmc Serial Number Lookup

Omc Outboard Serial Number Lookup


Outboard Motor Lookup By Serial Number

4 - 6 HP
7.5 - 9.9 HP
15 - 25 HP
30 - 40 HP (2-CYL)
40 (4-CYL) - 50 HP
60 - 100 HP
115 - 150 HP
175 - 300 HP